Tuesday, December 16, 2008


These kids are wearing me out!! Due to the ICE (all schools and towns around were closed) Shane and I started out early to make the commute to school. Taylor was behind us and as it took us 10 min. to get out of our neighborhood we looked back and her eyes were big as saucers. She did fine getting out and we all made it safe, BUT the 20ish min. commute turned into and hour and a half...so we were a little late:) I have wonderful teammates so they took my class and got all of their things put away but as I was rushing in Karen says "I'm sorry but they are WILD!" This rang true the rest of the day! They would not calm down or be the least bit quite. Every once and a while one will randomly remember (as with most of their thoughts) that we are going to be out of school for a while and say "Mrs. Collins, I'm really going to miss you during the break" and I am thinking...I'm ready for some peace and quite! Don't get me wrong, I love all my kids, but gees...they're fighting and whinning and I just can't take it anymore. Anyway, only three days left...but it's hard for me to get excited about that because of the always so crazy holiday classroom party. Oh well, they'll get to have a little fun!

After that we are off on Saturday to Mountain Home to spend Christmas with Shane's family. Then back here for our family Christmas and New Years. Hope everyone is staying warm and safe!

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