Well, this past weekend we got to go to Fayetteville and meet Sam and Anne-Camille (shane's aunt and uncle). We had such a blast, as we always do, and it was great to catch up. We did lots of talking and had LOTS of laughs!

Here is the Big "A" the players run through before the game. The band also did a really neat tribute to the troops at half time spelling out each one...it was great!

We found Shane's name on the "Football Letterman" list and we were so excited...however Shane didn't realize we were going to take his picture and make him point to it. As you can tell by the picture he is very enthused about it.

Sam and Anne-Camille are such a joy to be around! They are both wonderful people, so full of life and they have such an evident love for one another.

The group before heading to the best Mexican restaurant EVER!! La Huerta. I think about it everyday:) and it was not a disappointment.

I am so glad I have gotten to know this lady! We have become great friends and she has truly blessed my life!